class DoubleConv(nn.Module):
def init(self, in_channels, out_channels):
super(DoubleConv, self).init()
self.conv = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1),
nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1),
def forward(self, x):
return self.conv(x)
class UNetAudio(nn.Module):
def init(self, in_channels, out_channels):
super(UNetAudio, self).init()
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.down1 = DoubleConv(in_channels, 64)
self.down2 = DoubleConv(64, 128)
self.down3 = DoubleConv(128, 256)
self.down4 = DoubleConv(256, 512)
self.up1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(512, 256, 2, 2)
self.up2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(256, 128, 2, 2)
self.up3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(128, 64, 2,2)
self.out = nn.Conv2d(64, out_channels, 1)
def forward(self, x):
# Encoder
x1 = self.down1(x)
x2 = self.down2(nn.MaxPool2d(2)(x1))
x3 = self.down3(nn.MaxPool2d(2)(x2))
x4 = self.down4(nn.MaxPool2d(2)(x3))
# Decoder
x = self.up1(x4)
x = self.up2([x, x3], dim=1))
x = self.up3([x, x2], dim=1))
x = self.out([x, x1], dim=1))
return x
torch.Size([32, 256, 32, 26])
torch.Size([32, 256, 32, 27])
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[28], line 1
----> 1 training(train_loader, test_loader, num_epochs, model, loss_function, optimiser, scheduler, “UNetAudio”)
Cell In[16], line 11, in training(train_loader, val_loader, epochs, model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, model_name)
9 batch_Y=Variable(
10 optimizer.zero_grad()
—> 11 outputs = model(batch_X)
12 loss = criterion(outputs.squeeze(), batch_Y)
13 loss.backward()
File D:\anaconda\envs\Pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\, in Module._wrapped_call_impl(self, *args, **kwargs)
1516 return self._compiled_call_impl(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore[misc]
1517 else:
→ 1518 return self._call_impl(*args, **kwargs)
File D:\anaconda\envs\Pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\, in Module._call_impl(self, *args, **kwargs)
1522 # If we don’t have any hooks, we want to skip the rest of the logic in
1523 # this function, and just call forward.
1524 if not (self._backward_hooks or self._backward_pre_hooks or self._forward_hooks or self._forward_pre_hooks
1525 or _global_backward_pre_hooks or _global_backward_hooks
1526 or _global_forward_hooks or _global_forward_pre_hooks):
→ 1527 return forward_call(*args, **kwargs)
1529 try:
1530 result = None
Cell In[26], line 45, in UNetAudio.forward(self, x)
43 print(x2.shape)
44 print(x3.shape)
—> 45 x = self.up2([x, x3], dim=1))
46 x = self.up3([x, x2], dim=1))
47 x = self.out([x, x1], dim=1))
RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Expected size 26 but got size 27 for tensor number 1 in the list.