Uninstalling CUDA 11.8

I have 3 CUDA 11.8, 12.4 and 12.5 installed. I will be using mainly 12.4 for Pytorch and 12.5 for Davinci Resolve Studio 19.

Is it ok to uninstall cuda 11.8 and not affecting Pytorch-Cuda 12.4? I want to save ~ 2 GB space.


The PyTorch binaries will use their own CUDA runtime dependencies as explained in your other thread and your locally installed CUDA toolkit will be used if you build PyTorch from source or a custom CUDA extension.

Yes, I understand that. My fear is by uninstalling 11.8, it may uninstall parts which are shared among the 3 CUDA. From your reply, I gather they are all totally independence.

Good. I will uninstall 11.8 to save some space. Thanks.