Use of getattr in forward function

I am trying to use getattr in the forward method an nn.Module class. A minimalistic indicative example of what I’m trying to do is shown below:

class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ):
        self.layer = nn.Linear(8,  16)
    def forward(self, x):
        return getattr(self, 'layer')(x)

I get a NotImplementedError when I use forward:

File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 85, in forward
    raise NotImplementedError

Any ideas on how to solve it? Or even an alternative way to “create” the name of an attribute of Net inside forward? Thank you!

Your code works on my machine. Make sure do don’t have any typos in the definition of forward and also check the indentation.

Hi @ptrblck, thanks for your prompt response. The truth is that I tried to make it too simple without testing it. The above indeed works, but what I truly need is something like this:

class Net(nn.Module): 
     def __init__(self, ): 
         setattr(self, 'layer', nn.ModuleDict({'a': nn.Linear(8, 16), 'b': nn.Linear(16, 4)})) 
     def forward(self, x): 
         return getattr(self, 'layer')(x)

I just tried it and indeed it raises a NotImplementedError. It seems that the use of nn.ModuleDict causes the problem, since simple nn modules work fine.

Any ideas on how to fix it? Many thanks :slight_smile:

You are currently trying to call the nn.ModuleDict, which won’t work, as you would have to address one of the layers:

class Net(nn.Module): 
     def __init__(self, ): 
         setattr(self, 'layer', nn.ModuleDict({'a': nn.Linear(8, 16), 'b': nn.Linear(16, 4)})) 
     def forward(self, x): 
         x = getattr(getattr(self, 'layer'), 'a')(x)
         x = getattr(getattr(self, 'layer'), 'b')(x)
         return x

What is your use case, if I may ask?

Hi @ptrblck, many thanks for your response. It should be obvious and I should have figured it out…

The reason for doing so is that I want my network to have a basic backbone sub-network, and a number of branches (heads). Each head is implemented as an nn.ModuleDict, or even nn.ModuleList for convenience. During forward, an id for which head should be used is given (as a string). If you think that’s not a good practice, please let me know.