UserWarning: Detected call of `lr_scheduler.step()` before `optimizer.step()`

Hello. I received the following error during training for object detection:

UserWarning: Detected call of lr_scheduler.step() before optimizer.step(). In PyTorch 1.1.0 and later, you should call them in the opposite order: optimizer.step() before lr_scheduler.step(). Failure to do this will result in PyTorch skipping the first value of the learning rate schedule.

I checked in the training script optimizer.step() is before lr_scheduler.step(), but for some reason I stiill get that error and eventually I get NAN values for box_loss, obj_loss, cls_loss. Please find here the initial training script Computer-Vision/ at main · HripsimeS/Computer-Vision · GitHub

Can you help me to understand how to fix the issue to not get NAN values. Hope to hear soon!

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Most likely some optimizer.step call are skipped as you are using amp which can create invalid gradients if the loss scaling factor is too large and will thus skip the parameter updates. You could check for loss scaling value before and after the scaler.update() call to see if it was decreased. If so, you could use it to skip the scheduler.step() call as well.

Something like this should work:

old_scaler = scaler.get_scale()
new_scaler = scaler.get_scale()
if new_scaler < old_scaler:

i tried your solution like this

def train_one_epoch(dataloader, model, scheduler, optimizer, scaler, epoch):
    total_loss = 0
    pbar = tqdm(dataloader, desc=f"Train: Epoch {epoch + 1}", total=len(dataloader), mininterval=5)
    for img, target in pbar:
        img =
            with autocast(enabled=True):
                outputs = model(img)
                target = target.unsqueeze(1)
                target =
                loss = criterion(outputs, target)
                if np.isinf(loss.item()) or np.isnan(loss.item()):
                    print(f'Bad loss, skipping the batch ')
                    del loss, outputs
            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 10.0, norm_type=2.0)
            old_scaler = scaler.get_scale()
            new_scaler = scaler.get_scale() 
            if new_scaler < old_scaler:
                if scheduler is not None:
                print("old_scaler ",old_scaler,"new_scaler ",new_scaler)

then i get userWarning like this

Train: Epoch 1:   0%|                                   | 0/511 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/home/ansary/anaconda3/envs/mobassir/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/optim/ UserWarning: Detected call of `lr_scheduler.step()` before `optimizer.step()`. In PyTorch 1.1.0 and later, you should call them in the opposite order: `optimizer.step()` before `lr_scheduler.step()`.  Failure to do this will result in PyTorch skipping the first value of the learning rate schedule. See more details at
  warnings.warn("Detected call of `lr_scheduler.step()` before `optimizer.step()`. "
Train: Epoch 1:   0%|   | 1/511 [00:08<50:04,  5.89s/it, loss=1.63, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  2048.0 new_scaler  2048.0
Train: Epoch 1:   0%|   | 1/511 [00:09<50:04,  5.89s/it, loss=2.77, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  2048.0 new_scaler  2048.0
Train: Epoch 1:   0%|   | 1/511 [00:10<50:04,  5.89s/it, loss=1.59, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  2048.0 new_scaler  2048.0
Train: Epoch 1:   0%|   | 1/511 [00:10<50:04,  5.89s/it, loss=2.04, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  2048.0 new_scaler  2048.0
Train: Epoch 1:   2%|  | 10/511 [00:11<08:18,  1.00it/s, loss=1.56, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  2048.0 new_scaler  2048.0
Train: Epoch 1:   2%|   | 10/511 [00:12<08:18,  1.00it/s, loss=2.1, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  2048.0 new_scaler  2048.0
Train: Epoch 1:   2%|  | 10/511 [00:12<08:18,  1.00it/s, loss=1.39, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  2048.0 new_scaler  2048.0
Train: Epoch 1:   2%|  | 10/511 [00:13<08:18,  1.00it/s, loss=2.01, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  2048.0 new_scaler  2048.0
Train: Epoch 1:   2%|  | 10/511 [00:14<08:18,  1.00it/s, loss=1.63, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0
Train: Epoch 1:   2%|   | 10/511 [00:15<08:18,  1.00it/s, loss=1.6, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0
Train: Epoch 1:   2%|  | 10/511 [00:15<08:18,  1.00it/s, loss=1.13, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0
Train: Epoch 1:   4%|  | 18/511 [00:16<06:34,  1.25it/s, loss=1.15, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0
Train: Epoch 1:   4%| | 18/511 [00:17<06:34,  1.25it/s, loss=0.942, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0
Train: Epoch 1:   4%| | 18/511 [00:17<06:34,  1.25it/s, loss=0.945, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0
Train: Epoch 1:   4%| | 18/511 [00:18<06:34,  1.25it/s, loss=0.887, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0
Train: Epoch 1:   4%| | 18/511 [00:19<06:34,  1.25it/s, loss=0.543, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0
Train: Epoch 1:   4%| | 18/511 [00:19<06:34,  1.25it/s, loss=0.464, lr=0.000225]
old_scaler  1024.0 new_scaler  1024.0

then i tried if new_scaler <= old_scaler:

but no luck,i get same userWarning over and over again while using batch onecycle scheduler with fp16 enabled. i was using pytorch 2.0
@ptrblck any guess?

You are right as my comparison is wrong.
if new_scaler < old_scaler is True is the internal scaling value was decreased and the optimizer.step() call skipped. In this case, the scheduler.step() call should also be skipped to avoid this warning. Change the comparison to:

if new_scaler == old_scaler:

and it should work since now the scheduler.step() operation is called when the optimizer.step() operation was not skipped.

thanks @ptrblck
before commenting here i was using

if new_scaler == old_scaler:

and then i saw the last comment of this post `optimizer.step()` before `lr_scheduler.step()` error using GradScaler - #10 by rdutta and thought i was doing wrong.

That’s also a god point as I forgot about the growth_factor. In this case the check should be if new_scaler >= old_scaler to call or as described in the linked post if old_scaler < new_scaler to skip the scheduler.