Using autograd.grad later causes lag in moving batch to GPU

I’m using autograd for the first time (as in, I’ve never gone this low level before) and I think I’m doing it wrong. I would appreciate some help on finding what mistake I’m making. The issue is as follows:
A. runs every parameter update. B. runs every 4 parameter updates (in same loop as A) and calls C (where I use autograd.grad). On every iteration of the loop immediately following B being run, moving my training data to my GPU is really slow (as in, it takes multiple seconds). If I disable B entirely, this lag disappears and everything in A runs as fast as you’d expect. There is no noticeable lag during B or during any of the code that follows it, just at the point I’ve marked (moving my batch to gpu).

dataset = ImageFolder(data_path, transform = util.getImToTensorTF())
train_data =, batch_size = BATCH_SIZE,
            shuffle = True, pin_memory = True, num_workers = 0)
g_opt = torch.optim.AdamW(g.parameters(),
            betas = (0, 0.99 ** (G_PPL_INTERVAL / (G_PPL_INTERVAL + 1))))
real, _ = next(iter(train_data))
real = real.cuda() # lag here (first cuda op in loop)
if do_g_ppl:
            path_batch = BATCH_SIZE // PPL_BATCH
            path_batch = max(1, path_batch)
            latent = util.getMixingLatent(path_batch)
            fake, latents = g(latent)
            ppl_loss, ppl_norms, w_bar = loss_funcs.PPL(latents, fake, w_bar)
            g.zero_grad(set_to_none = True)
            ppl_loss = PPL_WEIGHT * ppl_loss * G_PPL_INTERVAL
            ppl_loss += 0 * fake[0, 0, 0, 0] # Ties to g output


Where the PPL loss is calculated by this function:

# Perpetual path length
# Takes input output pair from generator
# And a moving average of path length
def PPL(latents, gen_img, avg_path_len):
    n, c, h, w = gen_img.shape
    y = torch.randn_like(gen_img) / ((h * w)**.5)

    # Get jacobian * random image wrt input latent vector

    grad, = autograd.grad((gen_img * y).sum(), latents, create_graph = True)
    # L2 norm of jacobian, when this is 0, jacobian orthogonal
    l2norm = torch.sqrt(grad.pow(2).sum(2).mean(1))
    # TODO: Do you really need sqrt for l2 norm as a loss term? check computation cost

    a = avg_path_len + PPL_DECAY * (l2norm.mean() - avg_path_len)

    # E[(||J^Ty|| - a)^2]
    loss = (l2norm - a).pow(2).mean()

    # Return last moving average for next calculation
    return loss, l2norm, a.detach().item()

CUDA operations are executed asynchronously so you would need to add synchronizations to the code to profile operations properly.

PS: you can post code snippets by wrapping them into three backticks ```, which makes debugging easier :wink:

Thanks for the help! The reason I hadn’t attached code was because I figured this was more me not understanding something basic rather than an actual bug with my code. It seems that’s what it was (I have attached code anyways for clarity). When you say CUDA operations are asynchronous, does that mean every time I try to move the batch to the GPU, the previous CUDA operation could still be running and stall the .cuda() call? That would mean the lag is actually due to code chunk B which makes far more sense since that operation is quite computationally expensive.

Yes, kernel launches will be added to the queue and launched when GPU resources are available.
The to() operation can be executed asynchronously, so that it shouldn’t block.

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