I am focused on a semantic segmentation task. I have 30 images. 24 are in training set, 4 in validation set and 2 as test images. I have a batch_size=4.
The issue that I am facing is that I get strange values for validation accuracy. This value increases from the first to the second epoch and then stays the same however, validation loss and training loss decreases and also training accuracy increases.
This is the piece of code that calculates these values:
def train_model(model, dataloaders, criterion, optimizer, num_epochs, has_aux = True):
since = time.time()
val_acc_history = []
best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict())# this variable contains a dictionary object of model's learnable parameters
best_acc = 0.0
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
print('Epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, num_epochs - 1))
print('-' * 10)
# Each epoch has a training and validation phase
for phase in ['train', 'val']:
if phase == 'train':
model.train() # Set model to training mode
img_all = len(imgarray)
model.eval() # Set model to evaluate mode
img_all = len(imgarray_val)
running_loss = 0.0 # Training loss
running_corrects = 0 # Number of pixels that have been correctly classified
# Iterate over data
for inputs, labels in dataloaders[phase]: # Read data batch by batch. We have 24 images and batches of size 2 so 6 iterations to go through one epoch
inputs, labels = Variable(inputs), Variable(labels)
inputs = inputs.to(device) # how should I send the data to GPU?
labels = labels.to(device)
#print('image shape: {}'.format(inputs.shape))
#print('label shape: {}'.format(labels.shape))
#labels = labels.squeeze(1)
#print('squeezed label shape:{}'.format(labels.shape))
# zero the parameter gradients
# Forward
# track history if only in train
with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'): #do we go inside 'with' exception handling even if the condition is not satisfied?
# Get model outputs and calculate loss
# Special case for "inception" and "FCN_ResNet_101" because in training it has an auxiliary output.
# In train mode we calculate the loss by summing the final output and the auxiliary output
# but in testing we only consider the final output.
if has_aux and phase == 'train':
# From https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/how-to-optimize-inception-model-with-auxiliary-classifiers/7958
outputs = model(inputs) # model output shape:torch.Size([4, 4, 224, 224]) -> dim=1 is the number of classes
#print('model output shape:{}'.format(outputs['out'].shape))
loss1 = criterion(outputs['out'], labels.long()) #what is the type and shape of this loss? -crossentropyloss for semantic segmentation and in pytorch
loss2 = criterion(outputs['aux'], labels.long()) #we can apply loss.item()-what does it return?
loss = loss1 + 0.4*loss2
outputs = model(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs['out'], labels.long())
# model output shape: torch.Size([4, 4, 224, 224]) -> dim=1 is the number of classes
# -- torch.max(input, dim, keepdim=False, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)
# :Returns a namedtuple (values, indices) where values is the maximum value of each row of
# the input tensor in the given dimension dim. And indices (preds in our case) is the index location of each
# maximum value found (argmax).
# If keepdim is True, the output tensors are of the same size as input except in the
# dimension dim where they are of size 1.
_, preds = torch.max(outputs['out'], 1)#preds is a long tensor
# backward + optimize only if in training phase
if phase == 'train':
# statistics
running_loss += loss.item() * inputs.size(0) #for the minibatch: running_loss==training_loss and this is the usual formula to calculate running loss
running_corrects += torch.sum(preds == labels.data.long())# for the mini batch: number of pixels that has been correctly classified
epoch_loss = running_loss / len(dataloaders[phase].dataset)#Then at the end of the epoch we divide the number with the number of steps.
#epoch_acc = running_corrects.double() / len(dataloaders[phase].dataset) #what does this calculate?
epoch_acc = 100*(running_corrects.double() / (img_all*224*224))
#epoch_acc = (running_corrects.double() /(labels.nelement()*(size of training dataset)))*100
print('{} Loss: {:.4f} Acc: {:.4f}'.format(phase, epoch_loss, epoch_acc))
# deep copy the model
if phase == 'val' and epoch_acc > best_acc:
best_acc = epoch_acc
# https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/saving_loading_models.html
best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict())
if phase == 'val':
time_elapsed = time.time() - since
print('Training complete in {:.0f}m {:.0f}s'.format(time_elapsed // 60, time_elapsed % 60))
print('Best val Acc: {:4f}'.format(best_acc))
# load best model weights
return model, val_acc_history
I have not being able to detect an issue in this code but I can’t find a reason for the strange behavior of my model.
Any tips will be appreciated