Variable._execution_engine.run_backward causes memory leak

It’s for memory optimization. In pipeline parallelism, some output tensors to be sent can be released. However, .backward() will check the tensor shapes between the argument tensors and grad_tensors. To avoid this shape checking, Megatron-LM directly uses this API as discussed in the annotation of this function: Megatron-LM/megatron/core/pipeline_parallel/ at e33c8f78a35765d5aa37475a144da60e8a2349d1 · NVIDIA/Megatron-LM · GitHub

As a concrete example, you can uncomment the two snippets in the original demo code

#assert z._base is None = torch.empty((1,), device=z.device, dtype=z.dtype,)

Then, you cannot run with .backward, and pytorch will report some error like incompatible shape between z and dz