View-wise operation?

I have two Tensors A and B,
A.shape is (b,c,100,100),
B.shape is (b,c,80,80),
how can I get tensor C with shape (b,c,21,21) subject to
C[:, :, i, j] = torch.mean(A[:, :, i:i+80, j:j+80] - B)?
I wonder whether there’s an efficient way to solve this?
Thanks very much.
Sorry if it’s not a proper title.

If I understand you correctly, would it be the way to subtract B from part of A?
You can specify corresponding index ranges if the dimension lengths equal to each other.

C = A[:,:,80:100, 80:100] - B
# C shape: b x c x 20 x 20

You can further apply torch.mean afterwards by your needs.

Appreciate for your reply. But you did misunderstand my question.
I hope B to be a filter, do torch.mean(slice_A - B), and slide B to next position, etc. And the result would has shape (b, c, A.shape[-1] - B.shape[-1] + 1, A.shape[-1] - B.shape[-1] + 1).

Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding.
You can try below.

C = (A.unfold(2,80,1).unfold(3,80,1) - B.expand(b,c,21,21,80,80)).mean(dim=(-2,-1))

# variable version
_, _, H, W = A.shape
_, _, h, w = B.shape
C = (A.unfold(2,h,1).unfold(3,w,1) - B.expand(b,c,H-h+1,W-w+1,h,w)).mean(dim=(-2,-1))

The keys are torch.Tensor.unfold and torch.Tensor.expand.

The unfold function extracts sliding window and expand function views the tensor in expanded size without copying values.

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I asked the same question on stackoverflow.