Weights cannot be updated when use custom function in the network


This is the function that I created. When I use this function in the network, it stops the backpropagation, the weight cannot be updated while the require_grad is true. Is it because I lose track of x in this function?
But the x and dist have a different shape, I cannot assign it to x to do backward(). Is there any advice to solve this problem?

Could you explain a bit more which weight you are trying to update?
x receives gradients, so the error might come from another code:

x = torch.randn(10, 10, requires_grad=True)
out = RBF(x)
> tensor([[ 5.9646e-04,  6.2076e-04,  9.4101e-06,  9.5977e-04, -4.9045e-05,
         -4.4832e-04,  5.2261e-04, -5.3574e-05, -4.8484e-04,  7.1946e-04],
        [ 7.1239e-04,  2.4813e-03,  2.5732e-04, -2.6018e-03, -1.8188e-03,
          5.4736e-04,  1.8246e-03,  2.7148e-03,  5.1855e-03,  2.2654e-03],
        [ 1.8962e-06,  2.6450e-06, -1.2890e-06,  3.7439e-06,  1.8524e-06,
          7.6694e-07,  3.2894e-06,  4.0270e-06,  1.0571e-06, -5.2005e-06],
        [-4.4542e-04, -2.6123e-04, -1.0615e-04,  2.2132e-05,  7.0672e-04,
         -1.4883e-04, -5.1615e-05,  1.3554e-03, -9.1667e-04,  4.5033e-04],
        [-1.9192e-04, -2.4983e-03, -1.2079e-03,  9.6558e-04,  3.0117e-03,
          9.4145e-05, -2.0331e-03, -4.3258e-03, -3.5529e-03, -3.5782e-03],
        [-8.3819e-08, -5.6494e-06, -3.6694e-07,  2.4759e-06, -9.0338e-07,
          4.9472e-06,  1.8552e-06,  2.4289e-06,  2.5406e-06,  3.3993e-07],
        [-4.6566e-10, -2.2352e-08, -2.0675e-07,  4.9360e-08,  1.0803e-07,
          2.7195e-07, -3.1292e-07,  1.8999e-07,  6.0536e-08,  7.8697e-08],
        [-6.8732e-05, -3.3617e-04,  3.3371e-04,  6.3260e-04,  8.8942e-06,
         -1.0545e-04,  2.2346e-04, -2.1920e-04,  7.0792e-05,  2.6153e-04],
        [ 2.2489e-04, -8.6654e-04,  7.7004e-04, -3.2373e-06, -1.6274e-03,
         -3.3448e-04, -9.2118e-05,  1.8562e-04, -2.4125e-04,  5.2206e-04],
        [-8.2948e-04,  8.6329e-04, -5.4566e-05,  1.8646e-05, -2.3319e-04,
          3.8959e-04, -3.9872e-04,  3.3613e-04, -6.4229e-05, -6.3574e-04]])

the x comes from the output of a linear network, then I apply this function on x to get the dist, use this dist as an input of other linear networks. The weight I am trying to update is the weight and bias of the network

This use case seems to work, as I get valid gradients:

x = torch.randn(10, 10)
lin1 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
lin2 = nn.Linear(10, 10)

out = lin1(x)
out = RBF(out)
out = lin2(out)

why do u need .mean() before the .backward()? It seems cannot remove the .mean(). In my case, the backward is something like this

loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = (out, y)

and the loss cannot be updated

This was just a small debugging code snippet.
I needed the .mean(), since the output was not a single values and otherwise I would have to specify the gradients.
Anyway, even with nn.CrossEntropyLoss your function works:

x = torch.randn(10, 10)
target = torch.randint(0, 10, (10,))
lin1 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
lin2 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

out = lin1(x)
out = RBF(out)
out = lin2(out)
loss = criterion(out, target)

The error might be in another part of your code.
Make sure you are not using the .data attribute or use another library e.g. numpy in your calculations.
Also, you could post a (small and executable) code snippet, so that we can have a look.

I just found that the weight has been updated, but the loss did not change. That’s why I thought the weight has not been updated. This goes to another problem, I will figure out which part of my network is wrong. Thank u very much!