What does a net expect? Cuda? not Cuda?

I’m trying to train a network. I have set the device to “cuda”, and I run


However, when I run

inputs = data["input"].float().to(device)
outputs = net(inputs)

I get an error at the outputs assignment.
“RuntimeError: Expected object of type torch.FloatTensor but found type torch.cuda.FloatTensor for argument #4 ‘mat1’”

Puzzlingly enough, with

inputs =  data["input"].float()
outputs = net(inputs)

I get, erring on the same last line of code, the “opposite error”:
“RuntimeError: Expected object of type torch.cuda.FloatTensor but found type torch.FloatTensor for argument #4 ‘mat1’”

However, if I remove all “to(device)” then the code runs fine.
What might be going on here?
Thank you.

Which version of pytorch are you using?
It will be great if you could give a short reproducible script.

This works for me. Does it work for you?

import torch
device = 'cuda'
x = torch.rand(5,5)
y = x.to(device)

import torch.nn as nn
net = nn.Linear(5,5)
out = net(y)
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Thank you.

I’m using version 0.4.1.
Your example did work for me. I’ll try to create a minimal reproducible script as soon as I can.
However, I also wonder in generally what dictates the kind of input that a custom defined net is expecting. In your case, while you saved a layer in a variable called “net”, it’s not of the Module class, which I suspect might be relevant.
Is sending a net “to(device)” which is cuda an if and only if condition for it to expect cuda input?

Just for the sake of archival conclusion I’ll say that I went back to the same code, and I managed to run it with Cuda. Apparently I just didn’t append".to(device)" to all necessary variables.
I’d say the error messages were not so informative, but I think that’s a known issue already (I remember reading people mentioning it, probably on this here forum). Perhaps it was solved on the 1.0 version which I had not the pleasure yet to try.

Thank you for the help!

@Konotori About Arul’s answer, layer is actually a subclass of Module, so it is relevant.
May I ask what variable you missed to append .to(device) to? It seems you already get the input and model on cuda.

Yes, I noticed that what he defined as a net was really only a layer.

As for your question, the extra .to(device) I added was to the labels.