What Parameter.data returns?

In the following snippet:

from torch.nn import Linear, Parameter
import torch

layer = Parameter(torch.arange(4.))

y = layer.data
z = layer.data


z[0] = 100

print('Is z a view?', z._is_view())

the output is:

Parameter containing:
tensor([100.,   1.,   2.,   3.], requires_grad=True)
Is z a view? False

Can someone explain this output? All of z, y, layer.data are different objects so I was thinking that the accessing layer.data returns views, which is not the case as shown in the last print.

Hi ado!

Two comments:

.data has been deprecated for public use since at least one major revision ago. It is
still used internally by pytorch, so it is still around. Using .data can break how autograd
tracks gradients, so you should avoid using it. (I think you can access .data, but you
shouldn’t use it to modify the contents of a tensor.)

Parameter is a subclass of Tensor,and I’m pretty sure that Parameter.data gets
delegated to Tensor.data without any modification. However, .data appears to
return some sort of proxy object (that gets created on the fly). Even though .data looks
like a “property,” python supports things that look like properties but that actually invoke
methods under the hood.

When you call layer.data, a new proxy object gets created, but if you call layer.data
again, the new proxy object may or may not reside in the same location in memory,
depending whether the previous proxy object had been freed (typically because it had
no references bound to it such as your y or z).


for   _ in range (10):
    print (id (layer.data))


l = []
for  _ in range (10):
    print (id (layer.data))
    l.append (torch.ones (1))   # use up some locations in memory

The point is that id (layer.data) is not telling you where the actual “data” resides in
memory; it’s telling you where the proxy object – which was created on the fly – resides
in memory.

Such a proxy object is in some ways like a view – it’s a “handle” to some stuff – but it’s
not considered an official pytorch view (perhaps because it doesn’t provide a transformed
view into the underlying stuff).

Note that because its public use is deprecated, how it works and what is does may change
unexpectedly, so I haven’t really tried to understand the details.


K. Frank

Thanks for the comment @KFrank ! It cleared up a lot of my confusion.

With regards to PyTorch views:

Such a proxy object is in some ways like a view – it’s a “handle” to some stuff – but it’s
not considered an official pytorch view (perhaps because it doesn’t provide a transformed
view into the underlying stuff).

If I change the way of checking for views (see the last line):

from torch.nn import Linear, Parameter
import torch

layer = Parameter(torch.arange(4.))

y = layer.data
z = layer.data


z[0] = 100

print('Is z a view?', z.untyped_storage().data_ptr() == y.untyped_storage().data_ptr())

the output is:

Parameter containing:
tensor([100.,   1.,   2.,   3.], requires_grad=True)
Is z a view? True

So maybe tensor._is_view() is not a right way to check for views (contrary to its name)?

Another example (due to .detach() y shares the same storage as x):

>>> x = torch.arange(3.)
>>> y = x.detach()
>>> x._is_view(), y._is_view()
(False, False)
>>> y.untyped_storage().data_ptr() == x.untyped_storage().data_ptr()

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