What version of cuDNN is supported by pytorch 1.9.0

I wish to work with pytorch v1.9.0. I have already downloaded CUDA 11.3 as well as visual studios 2019. I am unsure of which version of cuDNN would allow me to utilise pytorch in anaconda.

I assume you are interested in installing a binary for this old PyTorch release? If so, then note that the PyTorch 1.9 binaries were built with CUDA 10.2, which shipped with cuDNN 7.6.5, and CUDA 11.3, which used cuDNN 8.3.2 and you can install this binary using the supported commands from here.
In case you want to build PyTorch from source with your local CUDA toolkit and cuDNN, 1.9.0 should have supported CUDA 11.4 in source builds as it was released in Sept. 2021 while CUDA 11.4 was published in July 2021.

Thank you for your reply. Based on this website

, cuDNN v8.3.2 is for CUDA 11.5. Does that mean cuDNN v8.3.2 works for CUDA 11.3 as well?
Hope you can clarify my misunderstanding

Yes, cuDNN would ship with their own CUDA runtime and should be compatible between minor CUDA 11.x versions.

Thank you for your help.