When to define a new Function

I usually define a new Function, when

backward() is much simpler than forward().
Since some variables added to computation graph during Module.forward() can be meaningless.
For example,

# Inside of torch.nn.Module
def forward(x):
         x1 = x + 3
         x2 = x + 3
         x3 = x + 3
         x4 = x + 3
         x5 = x + 3
         return x5

here, variable x, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 can be added in computation graph
in order to compute gradient later.

However, we only need x to compute gradient, because there was only + operation.

Considering this case, in order to save some memory I define new Function,

#Inside of Function
def forward(ctx, x):
         x1 = x + 3
         x2 = x + 3
         x3 = x + 3
         x4 = x + 3
         x5 = x + 3
         return x5

def backward(ctx, z):
        x = ctx.saved_variables
        return x.fill(1)

Is this right case of defining new Function?
or pytorch’s autograd system automatically remove meaningless variables for backward()

Autograd will create a tree with one branch for each operation (each “+” in your example) applied to a variable. That’s the only way to automatically compute the derivative. If you want to save memory, you can indeed create your own backward, so that a call of your whole function will count as a single operation in the tree.