Where is <ATen/ops/to_ops.h>

Hi, I can’t find the header file “ATen/ops/to_ops.h” in pytorch/Tensor.cpp at master · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub

You have to build pytorch to see it, after building you can find it in build/aten/src/ATen/ops/to_ops.h

Thanks, And Do you know how to compile ATen alone?

Thanks, And Do you know how to compile ATen alone?

You can set certain environment variables to reduce the things you need to build., e.g. USE_DISTRIBUTED=0 USE_MKLDNN=0 USE_CUDA=0 BUILD_TEST=0 USE_FBGEMM=0 USE_NNPACK=0 USE_QNNPACK=0 USE_XNNPACK=0 python setup.py develop, but I’m not sure how to build only aten.