Where is libtorch 1.7.0 cuda 10.1?

I can’t find libtorch 1.7.0 cuda 10.1 version anywhere. Is it no longer officially supported and therefore removed? @ptrblck

I’m not sure, if libtorch==1.7.0 was built with CUDA10.1 (I think it was), and assume you should be able to change the download link to the desired config, e.g. from here:

# change 
# to cu101 and the corresponding libtorch version:

However, I also get an access denied error while trying to download the CUDA10.2 libtorch==1.8.1 build, so I guess something might create issues with the download links.
CC @seemethere

Yes, this link is also not working (access denied error):

I found it at https://download.pytorch.org/libtorch/cu101/libtorch-cxx11-abi-shared-with-deps-1.7.0%2Bcu101.zip