Why the default dilation value in Conv2d is 1?

class torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True)

The default value of dilation = 1, does it means all the conv2d without setting dilation = 0 will use dilation conv?


Dilation = 1 already means “no dilation”: 1-spacing = no gaps. I agree this convention is weird…


If you phrase it as “every dilationth element is used”, it may be easier to remember. When defining dilation (or any op in general) to me it seems natural to talk about what is used/done rather than what is skipped/not done.
So once you try to write down a formula, it probably is with this convention. Using it in code saves you from index juggling when putting formulas into code.

Of course, everyone has a different intuition about these things, but personally, I think the one pytorch implicitly suggests here can be useful.

Best regards



dilation is similar to stride. stride=1 is not weird, and hence dilation=1 is not weird either :slight_smile:


Ok, please forgive my words, “weird” wasn’t the appropriate formulation. But it can be misunderstood by thinking that ‘=1’ implies there is a dilating dilation, hence the existence of this topic…


So in PyTorch, which image can represent the correct understanding?
Which image is the correct understanding of dilation value = 1?


Bottom one

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stride: step length for moving kernel.
dilation: step length for moving kernel element.

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