Exception has occurred: PicklingError Can't pickle <class 'torch._C._VariableFunctions'>: it's not the same object as torch._C._VariableFunctions

I’ve created a module that contains two classes, a NetDictionary class that inherits from dict(), and a Net class that inherits from nn.Module. The NetDictionary constructor arguments and doc string are shown below:

    def __init__(self, network_count, test_tensor, total_labels, import_export_filename, **kwargs):
        Initialize a dictionary of randomly structured CNNs to test various network configurations.
        args:   network_count:  number of networks to generate
                test_tensor:    a tensor that can be used to construct network layers
                total_labels:   the number of labels being predicted for the networks
                import_export_filename: if file exists on initialization, the information in the
                                        file will be used to reconstruct a prior network.
        kwargs: optimizers: list of tuples of form (eval strings for optimizer creation, label)

When initialized, the NetDictionary class builds a randomized list of eval strings corresponding to module functions and a randomized list of eval strings for the parameterizations of those functions subject to the constraints in kwargs and passes that information, along with the test_tensor, to the Net constructor. The Net constructor then builds an nn.ModuleList and a list of nn.functional calls for use in the forward layer using the python eval() function, and the resulting network is saved in the ‘dict’ of NetDictionary. This process is repeated ‘network_count*(len(optimizers))’ times (see doc string above).

Perhaps surprisingly, all of that works like a charm. I’ve generated a set of 300 randomized networks with various optimizers and trained and validated against my dataset, recording a loss dictionary along the way. The problem comes in AFTER the training and validation when I call a function in NetDictionary that attempts to call torch.save() on a dictionary containing the state_dicts() of every Net in NetDictionary along with some additional objects containing nothing but native python types as shown here alongside the error:

I’ve tried just exporting the dict back to my main python script and pickling there as well, but the same issue occurs. I’m currently working around it, but in the long run, I’ll HAVE to be able to save these networks to disk. Any advice would be appreciated.

NOTE: I’m not a python expert so any advice for providing additional stack trace or other debug information would be appreciated as well. I’m using vscode via anaconda and an export of my environment is shown below for reference. The source code for the module can be found here.

name: torch
  - defaults
  - _pytorch_select=1.1.0=cpu
  - astroid=2.4.2=py37_0
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  - pip:
    - future==0.18.2
    - hamiltorch==0.3.1.dev1
    - pip==20.1.1
    - termcolor==1.1.0
    - torch==1.5.0+cpu
    - torchsummary==1.5.1
    - torchvision==0.6.0+cpu

Sam H.

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I can’t say that I’m an expert in this. Seems like an annoying issue. Some things that you can try.

  • Make sure the networks are transferred to the CPU before saving
  • Is your loss dictionaries of type tensor or numpy? If they are tensor, extract with loss_tensor.numpy()
  • Saving the dictionaries one by one to reveal the problematic one. Maybe save them into different files into a folder?
  • Save in other ways. Have a look at json and dill

Good luck :slight_smile:

Thanks, Oli… Turns out I’m an idiot. I’ve refactored this code several times, and at some point, I apparently started storing function references instead of eval strings in my ‘funcs’ object. :man_facepalming:

I’m 99% sure that’s what’s causing this, so I’ll be refactoring AGAIN to either start storing strings again or find some other way to recover the net data. I’ll let you know how that turns out… :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion to export with another method. I just used open() and wrote self.items() to file to check things out and saw immediately what I’d done.

–Sam H.

That’s the problem. I just ran a test with the ‘funcs’ stuff commented out and it wrote the nets out fine. Now I just have to fix my code so that my import routine will work correctly (and not randomize)…


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It’s working! Yay! That was an easier fix than I thought. Thanks for the tip @Oli… I couldn’t see the forest for the trees… :slight_smile:

I get the same error and I try the several command as following. I just want to know why?

why the function in torch.nn.functional is ok, but not in torch._C ?

Hi, Jiade!

I’m no expert here, but I believe that the functions in the torch._Variable namespace are “generated at runtime” in order to set up all of the hooks required by autograd to calculate gradients. Functions generated at runtime (a lambda function is a “typical” example) are not eligible for pickling as they violate the “defined at the top level of a module” requirement outlined in the current stable python documentation.

Hope this helps! Maybe someone more knowledgeable will comment with a definitive answer…

As an aside, the fix in my case was to simply change the object that I pickled. Rather than pickling a function reference, I pickled a string that could be passed to the built-in eval function whenever I called torch.load on my pickled model.


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