Hinge loss gives accuracy 1 but cross entropy gives accuracy 0 after many epochs, why?

I was training a very simple model 3 convs 1 fully connected, to many epochs. If I do that using the pytorch cross entropy the accuracy gets to around 1 and then suddenly jumps down to 0 (not chance, 0). If I train the same model in pytorch but with the multiclass hinge loss I don’t get that issue (I’ve done this experiment 4 times on both losses).

Is this hinting there my be a bug in the CrossEntropy module in pytorch?

Note the only lines I changed was:

#criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
criterion = torch.nn.MultiMarginLoss()


Do you mind sharing your model and data? I want to try to reproduce it.

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  • data set: cifar10
  • model: 3conv layers 1 fully connected layer.

I based my code of the cifar10 tutorial so I didn’t do anything fancy (as far as I know).

With relu? Which pytorch version? CPU or GPU?

Could you share the script somehow? A lot of things can matter. Thanks!

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The main part of the script was:

import time
import numpy as np
import torch

from torch.autograd import Variable

from maps import NamedDict

import data_utils
import utils

from pdb import set_trace as st

def evalaute_mdl_data_set(loss,error,net,dataloader,enable_cuda):
    Evaluate the error of the model under some loss and error with a specific data set.
    running_loss,running_error = 0,0
    for i,data in enumerate(dataloader):
        inputs, labels = extract_data(enable_cuda,data,wrap_in_variable=True)
        outputs = net(inputs)
        running_loss += loss(outputs,labels).data[0]
        running_error += error(outputs,labels)
    return running_loss/(i+1),running_error/(i+1)

def extract_data(enable_cuda,data,wrap_in_variable=False):
    inputs, labels = data
    if enable_cuda:
        inputs, labels = inputs.cuda(), labels.cuda()
    if wrap_in_variable:
        inputs, labels = Variable(inputs), Variable(labels)
    return inputs, labels

def train_and_track_stats(args, nb_epochs, trainloader,testloader, net,optimizer,criterion,error_criterion ,stats_collector):
    enable_cuda = args.enable_cuda
    print('about to start training')
    for epoch in range(nb_epochs):  # loop over the dataset multiple times
        running_train_loss,running_train_error = 0.0,0.0
        for i,data_train in enumerate(trainloader):
            ''' zero the parameter gradients '''
            ''' train step = forward + backward + optimize '''
            inputs, labels = extract_data(enable_cuda,data_train,wrap_in_variable=True)
            outputs = net(inputs)
            loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
            running_train_loss += loss.data[0]
            running_train_error += error_criterion(outputs,labels)
            ''' print error first iteration'''
            if i == 0 and epoch == 0: # print on the first iteration
        ''' End of Epoch: collect stats'''
        train_loss_epoch, train_error_epoch = running_train_loss/(i+1), running_train_error/(i+1)
        test_loss_epoch, test_error_epoch = evalaute_mdl_data_set(criterion,error_criterion,net,testloader,enable_cuda)
        stats_collector.append_losses_errors_accs(train_loss_epoch, train_error_epoch, test_loss_epoch, test_error_epoch)
        print(f'[{epoch}, {i+1}], (train_loss: {train_loss_epoch}, train error: {train_error_epoch}) , (test loss: {test_loss_epoch}, test error: {test_error_epoch})')
    return train_loss_epoch, train_error_epoch, test_loss_epoch, test_error_epoch

the rest like net and criterion are just standard things I called from the pytorch library.

Yes, there was ReLU. I was not careful enough when this happened and don’t know what pytorch version did this. But I am pretty sure it was something bellow 0.3. It was on GPU (it takes forever to train 400 epochs of cifar10 on cpu). Feel free to ask me for anything else you might need! :slight_smile:

Error criterion might be important. Let me share it. Its just a function pointer/handle pointing to:

def error_criterion(outputs,labels):
    max_vals, max_indices = torch.max(outputs,1)
    train_acc = (max_indices != labels).sum().data[0]/max_indices.size()[0]
    return train_acc

for the moment this bug can’t be reproduced unless pytorch less than 0.3.1 is used.

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The error was probably on the way I calculated the error. For the fix check: