How to get a full coverage report of tests?

I’m pretty new to contributing to open source projects and am trying to get some coverage reports so I can find out what needs more / better testing. However, I am having trouble getting the full coverage of a test.

For example, lets say I want to get the coverage report of test_indexing_py.

I run the command:

coverage run -m unittest

Resulting in this:

…Warning: indexing with dtype torch.uint8 is now deprecated, please use a dtype torch.bool instead. (expandTensors at C:\Projects\pytorch\aten\src\ATen/native/IndexingUtils.h:20)
Warning: indexing with dtype torch.uint8 is now deprecated, please use a dtype torch.bool instead. (expandTensors at C:\Projects\pytorch\aten\src\ATen/native/IndexingUtils.h:20)
Ran 62 tests in 0.395s

OK (skipped=1)

Ok, looks like the tests ran. Now when I check the coverage report:

coverage report -m

I only get the coverage for the test file and not for the classes tested:

Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
------------------------------------------------ 441 8 98% 370, 376-381, 620, 648

How do I get the full coverage report including the classes tested?

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.