Pointnet Github

how do i implement this model? https://github.com/fxia22/pointnet.pytorch

model.py shows nothing,

python train_classification.py --dataset <dataset path> --nepoch=<number epochs> --dataset_type <modelnet40 | shapenet>

how do i write this code for detail, suppose i want to do model40? epoch 200, dataset type so confused as well
how to run thatshell script to download data? do i need to download data?

Hello @shangguan91 Please delete this question if this is a duplicate of How to implement code in pytorchpoint.net and continue asking your questions there. Do you agree with this request, @albanD?

hey, i asked again more specifically, cuz u did answer my last question

Hi, I answered your question in the other post. The github README.md has all the necessary instructions. Although, quite some time has passed since the code was posted, you may have to customize the instructions as well as the code one at a time to make it work. Good luck.

where is dataset path?
forgiving not be able to read code like a pro, for me no specific instruction equal no instruction.
cutomize is not possible for me, so i ask some hint for that.

:rofl: Good one

I am sure of that too, there is always some problem when i run the code.

thank you for better instruction this time. my gratitude.