PyTorch certification

As a DL instructor with an emphasis on preparing students for job placement after graduation, we focus on TensorFlow because it can lead to differentiating between the readiness of a graduate from one bootcamp or another

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Tensorflow certifications conducts its test in pytorch framework,
Isnt TF certifications enough ?
Sorry not arguing but challenging +ively !


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Created account to add up to everyone here. We all need the certification :heart:
Please make it happen :pray:t2: Would definitely take it.

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As a DL engineer I’m also interested in PyTorch certification.

+1 for PyTorch cert :wink:

Both for self-evaluation and job applications I would love to have a certificate.

Wow, unbelievable.
In China, most students think almost all certifications about computer is useless.
Most companies and research insititutes don’t recognize them also.

Even I would love to match myself against a yardstick, and I believe that an official certification will be really helpful!


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+1 for PyTorch certificate


+1 for PyTorch Dev Certificate


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+1 for PyTorch certificate


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JSYK TensorFlow’s exam is 5 hours long open book coding exercise with tests that must be passed for model performance metrics.

As a former MS Learning consultant and writer of exam items on 20+ exams I’d love to be a part of making the PyTorch cert happen

+1 for PyTorch certificate


+1 here for a PyTorch cert. I do them in everything I apply for if possible, and can confirm they 100% make it easier to prove a basic knowledge level that can line up an interview.

It is not about knowledge.The knoowledge is out there.Plenty of tutorials etc.It is about standarization.Or other words - to be able to call Yourself Pytorch Developer You need to do this and that.It also clean a dozens of “certifications” out there on different platforms like Coursera or Udemy.I simply thought that when You guys lunch Pytorch 2.0 it give You great oportunity to lunch certification based o that.There is no better time to do that now.When people are hungry for it, asking for it and - be frankly We need this.Aleksander

I would love to have a Pytorch certification to showcase my expertise to recruiters

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+1 :raised_hand: for PyTorch certificate


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+1 :raised_hand: for PyTorch certificate

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+100 :raised_hand: for PyTorch Developer Professional Certificate

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+1k :raised_hand: for PyTorch certificate

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