(Y E G A N E H)
January 7, 2019, 1:27pm
I have written a post in stackoverflow regarding one of the examples in pytorch toturial:
python, pytorch
and the tutorial is in here:
Could anybody, please explain how optim, net and criterion are related together. It only makes sense for me if the backward, and optimization happens under the Net class.
January 7, 2019, 7:03pm
This post should help you. :
I am pretty new to Pytorch and keep surprised with the performance of Pytorch
I have followed tutorials and there’s one thing that is not clear.
How the optimizer.step() and loss.backward() related?
Does optimzer.step() function optimize based on the closest loss.backward() function?
When I check the loss calculated by the loss function, it is just a Tensor and seems it isn’t related with the optimizer.
Here’s my questions:
(1) Does optimzer.step() function optimize bas…
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