I switched to PyTorch from Tensorflow recently and kind of re-created TF’s bucket_by_sequence_length https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/data/experimental/bucket_by_sequence_length function in the form of a PyTorch Batch Sampler that can be used with a DataLoader. I know that PyTorch has pack_padded_sequence but because this doesn’t work with dense layers and my sequence data has high variance in its length so I wanted to minimize padding and masking by feeding in data that is already grouped by sequence length (while still shuffling it somewhat). Here is my current solution in numpy. I will need to convert every function over to torch to allow it to run on the GPU and am sure there are many other ways to optimize it further. Hope this helps others and that maybe it can become a new PyTorch Batch Sampler someday.
General approach to how it works:
- Decide what your bucket boundaries for the data are.
- Iterate through your data (provided in an array) and for each element its index and length is recorded
- Given these indices and lengths, each index is assigned to a bucket ID (I took this whole function from the tensorflow batch_by_sequence_length linked to above)
- Shuffle the data in these buckets
- Split the data in each bucket into approximately the batch size (may be slightly larger)
- Shuffle all of the batches made
- yield a batch (which contains index references to your data)
Here is the Batch Sampler:
import numpy as np
from random import shuffle
class BySequenceLengthSampler(Sampler):
def __init__(self, data_source,
bucket_boundaries, batch_size=64,):
ind_n_len = []
for i, p in enumerate(data_source):
ind_n_len.append( (i, p.shape[0]) )
self.ind_n_len = ind_n_len
self.bucket_boundaries = bucket_boundaries
self.batch_size = batch_size
def __iter__(self):
data_buckets = dict()
# where p is the id number and seq_len is the length of this id number.
for p, seq_len in self.ind_n_len:
pid = self.element_to_bucket_id(p,seq_len)
if pid in data_buckets.keys():
data_buckets[pid] = [p]
for k in data_buckets.keys():
data_buckets[k] = np.asarray(data_buckets[k])
iter_list = []
for k in data_buckets.keys():
iter_list += (np.array_split(data_buckets[k]
, int(data_buckets[k].shape[0]/self.batch_size)))
shuffle(iter_list) # shuffle all the batches so they arent ordered by bucket
# size
for i in iter_list:
yield i.tolist() # as it was stored in an array
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data_source)
def element_to_bucket_id(self, x, seq_length):
boundaries = list(self.bucket_boundaries)
buckets_min = [np.iinfo(np.int32).min] + boundaries
buckets_max = boundaries + [np.iinfo(np.int32).max]
conditions_c = np.logical_and(
np.less_equal(buckets_min, seq_length),
np.less(seq_length, buckets_max))
bucket_id = np.min(np.where(conditions_c))
return bucket_id
To call it and use it in a DataLoader (Replace the batch_size and bucket_boundaries values):
bucket_boundaries = [50,100,125,150,175,200,250,300]
sampler = BySequenceLengthSampler(<your data>,bucket_boundaries, batch_sizes)
dataloader = DataLoader(<your DataSet Object>, batch_size=1,
drop_last=False, pin_memory=False)
As it is numpy functions you’ll need to keep it on the CPU for now. And as your BatchSampler already creates the batches, your DataLoader should have a batch size of 1.
Also, buckets for values smaller and larger than your buckets are also created so you won’t lose any data.
NB. Currently the batch size must be smaller than smallest number of sequences in any bucket so you may have to adjust your bucket boundaries depending on your batch sizes.
Gist of the same code that may be more up to date: https://gist.github.com/TrentBrick/bac21af244e7c772dc8651ab9c58328c