Truncated backprop data clarification

Looking at this post, I wanted to clarify/verify whether or not the train method is being called on each sequence.

code from the post:

 def train(self, input_sequence, init_state):
        states = [(None, init_state)]

        outputs = []
        targets = []

        for i, (inp, target) in enumerate(input_sequence):

            state = states[-1][1].detach()
            output, new_state = self.one_step_module(inp, state)

            while len(outputs) > self.k1:
                # Delete stuff that is too old
                del outputs[0]
                del targets[0]

            states.append((state, new_state))
            while len(states) > self.k2:
                # Delete stuff that is too old
                del states[0]
            if (i+1)%self.k1 == 0:
                # loss = self.loss_module(output, target)

                # backprop last module (keep graph only if they ever overlap)
                start = time.time()
                # loss.backward(retain_graph=self.retain_graph)
                for j in range(self.k2-1):

                    if j < self.k1:
                        loss = self.loss_module(outputs[-j-1], targets[-j-1])

                    # if we get all the way back to the "init_state", stop
                    if states[-j-2][0] is None:
                    curr_grad = states[-j-1][0].grad
                    states[-j-2][1].backward(curr_grad, retain_graph=self.retain_graph)
                print("bw: {}".format(time.time()-start))

If I understand it correctly, the for loop is iterating over each item in the sequence, meaning that if model = self.one_step_module = RNN(...) , then self.one_step_module(inp, state) is only run on a sequence of length 1.

Then the rest of the code runs backprop on the last k2 items at an interval of k1 items.

I think that would make sense since, if inp was an entire sequence, then we’d be using state from an unrelated example to inform the next example.

is this all correct?

In order to back-propagate you need the output and the target. Both of them are kept for the last k1 steps.

            while len(outputs) > self.k1:
                # Delete stuff that is too old
                del outputs[0]
                del targets[0]

As you may see at the gif I posted, for the rest (k2-k1) steps the output is not requered.

The inp you are referring to is already saved into each state, as part of the graph that torch automatically creates and thats why the k2 last states are kept.

            states.append((state, new_state))
            while len(states) > self.k2:
                # Delete stuff that is too old
                del states[0]

This implementation do whats exactly denoted on this paper(section 4) as BPTT(h; h’), where h’=k1 and h=k2.